Parish Staff

Rev. Erich Rutten


Fr. Erich was born and raised near Joliet, Illinois and came to Minnesota for graduate studies. He has lived in the Twin Cities for the last 30 years including 12 years in south Minneapolis. Fr. Erich was ordained to the priesthood in 2005 and has served at the Cathedral of Saint Paul, Our Lady of Grace in Edina, the University of Saint Thomas Campus Ministry, Saint Peter Claver in Saint Paul, and Saint Odilia in Shoreview. He has also served for eleven years as the Chair of the Archdiocesan Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, seven years on the Social Concerns Committee of the Minnesota Catholic Conference of Bishops, and five years on the Board of Ascension Catholic Academy.

Barbara Staats

Pastoral Administrator

Barbara directs the overall business operations of the parish. Along with the pastor, she works with both the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council. Barbara also provides leadership in all areas of pastoral care, ensuring that the needs of parishioners are met. Barbara began working at St. Thomas in 2018.

Bill Nolan

Pastoral Associate – Faith Formation / Social Outreach

Bill oversees the faith formation, sacramental preparation and social outreach ministries for the parish. He is directly involved in leading adult faith formation and spiritual enrichment ministries. Bill joined St. Thomas the Apostle in 2005.

Christina Maas

Director of Liturgy and Music

Christina directs the parish choir and instrumentalists, rehearses cantors, and hires musicians as needed. She selects the music, plans liturgical seasons, coordinates liturgical environments, and recruits and schedules liturgical ministers. She also manages the sounds system, and prepares worship aids, general intercessions and scripts. Christina began working at St. Thomas the Apostle in July 2022.

Pat Adkins

Community Life Coordinator

Pat coordinates events at St Thomas the Apostle like Coffee and Donuts, New Member Welcome, and the Great Gathering. She is also coordinating our weekly live-streaming of the Sunday Mass. Pat began working at St. Thomas the Apostle in 2020.

Doug Cleary

Youth Minister

Doug leads the Youth Ministry and the Core Team (volunteer group of involved parents and adult parish members) to provide a variety of opportunities and experiences to draw teens into active, responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community and the greater church. Doug began working at St. Thomas the Apostle in 2019.

Dottie Dolezal

Liturgical Accompanist

Dottie leads the assembly to full and active participation in the sung prayer of the liturgy. She also accompanies the choir and plans instrumental music for weddings and other liturgical events. Dottie has worked at St. Thomas the Apostle since 2004.

Tina Erazmus

Coordinator of Sacramental Preparation with Children

Tina organizes the parish sacramental preparation ministries for children, including First Reconciliation and First Eucharist for second grade and Confirmation for grades 9 and 10. She began working at St. Thomas the Apostle in 2021.

Esteban Cruz


Estaban is responsible for the weekday maintenance needs at St. Thomas the Apostle. He assists José Ortega to keep our grounds clean and safe. Estaban has worked at St. Thomas the Apostle since 2021.

Adam Harvey

Facilities Manager

Adam is responsible for the day to day facility maintenance needs at St. Thomas the Apostle. Adam has worked at St. Thomas the Apostle since 2023.

Casey Piersma


Casey supervises the nursery on Sunday mornings during Masses, along with the help of parents and youth volunteers. She joined the St. Thomas the Apostle staff in 2014.

Cheryl Taylor

Coordinator of Faith Formation with Children
and Safe Environment Coordinator

Cheryl coordinates all aspects of our children’s faith formation ministries, which comprise Seeds (ages 3-5) and Liturgy of the Word with Children (ages 6 and older) on Sunday mornings and Faith Formation for All (grades K-8) on Wednesday evenings. She also manages the safe environment requirements for the parish as directed by the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Cheryl has been on staff at St. Thomas the Apostle since 2006.

Julie Wickland

Office Administrator

Julie works with the pastoral administrator to ensure that the daily business operations of the parish function smoothly. She supervises parish center volunteers and maintains parish and financial records. Julie also is involved with all parish communications. She creates the weekly bulletin, maintains the website and publishes periodic e-blasts and brochures for parish campaigns. Julie has been with St. Thomas the Apostle since 2008.

Barbara Meloche


Barbara works with the pastoral administrator and office manager to ensure that the daily business operations of the parish function smoothly. She welcomes visitors to the Parish Center in the afternoons. Barbara has been with St. Thomas the Apostle since 2022.