Ways to Serve
Social Outreach

putting faith to work

Simpson Housing Ministry
For many years, we have partnered with Simpson Housing Services to provide items families need as they move into transitional housing, as well as opportunities to volunteer with Simpson and get involved in advocacy work to help end homelessness.

Simpson Shelter Meal Ministry
A group of parishioners work at Simpson Shelter preparing and serving meals once a month.

Habitat for Humanity
Each summer, St. Thomas the Apostle and Christ the King parishes work together for Habitat for Humanity. For one week, parishioners donate their time and skills to make affordable housing a reality for a family in our community. Tasks include fundraising, food preparation and serving, scheduling and coordination of the project, and construction work. Sign-ups take place in May or early June.

Catholic Charities Branch Lunch
Provides meals to the homeless in our community on the fourth Friday of each month. Each team serves at one of the Branch locations on four Fridays per year; members may belong to one or all of the teams. The time commitment is about two hours per lunch.

Meals on Wheels
A group of parishioners who meet once every six weeks and deliver lunches to elderly and infirm area residents. Up to 10 meals can be delivered between 11:30 and 1:00. Volunteers must have an insured car and a valid driver’s license.

Knitting Ministry
Members of this ministry knit or crochet shawls, hats, scarves and lap blankets that are given to family shelters or parishioners in need. This group typically meets the fourth Monday of the month at 1:30pm in the Parish Center. Dates and locations can change, so please contact Betty to stay informed.
All are welcome! We will teach all new knitters.

Great Harvest Bread Rescue
Great Harvest Bread Rescue volunteers pick up and deliver left over bread products to local food shelves. Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Social Outreach Commission
Works with the Pastoral Associate for Social Outreach to coordinate and strengthen the parish’s ministries to those in need of material assistance such as housing, food, clothing, education, and employment.